India Inspired Spicy Tumeric Chicken Stirfry


This dish takes less than 15 min as long as you have the pantry for basic spices.

For those of us who are time-poor yet still cave some wholesome home meal, this is probably close to the answer.

What we need:
350g chicken slices (I often get the steam boat grade chicken slices), chicken thigh is ideal
1/4 tsp fennel seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/4 tsp black mustard seeds
1/4 tsp yellow mustard seeds
1/2 tsp tumeric powder
1/2-1/4 tsp chilli powder (optional)
1/2 tsp minced garlic
8 stalks green shallots
Pinch of salt

1. Heat a little oil in a fry pan, add fennel, cumin, mustard seeds in low heat for a min till fragrant.
2. Turn up the heat, then add garlic, chicken in. Stir fry till 80% cooked.
3. Put in tumeric powder and chilli in, along with shallots. Stir and mix well, add a pinch of salt for taste.

If it's too dry, add 1/2 Tbs of water between step 2 & 3.

Singapore stir fry radish cake (chai tow kway)


This dish takes 10 min to make, All ingredients are optional and can be substituted. This is how I usually have it, there's also a pale version without Kecap Manis.
Radish cake can be purchased in most Chinese bakers or grocers.
If you want cannot find one and want to know how to make it, please send in the request.

300g Radish cake (cut into big chunks)
2 Eggs (beaten)
1/2 Garlic chives (cut into 5cm length)
Handful of Bean sprouts
2T Preserved radish (Chai Bo), rinsed well
1.5T Kecap manis (sweet soy sauce)
1t Minced garlic
1t Chilli powder - optional

Heat some oil in a pan, fry radish cake till crispy.
Add the eggs in, followed by garlic chives and bran spouts.
Add chilli powder and kecap manis to taste.

Delicious to be served with some fresh coriander.

Healthy Fennel Chicken Stir Fry


All veggies can be substitutes. Since fennel is in season, I'm just using it frequently recently. It's a very good for our digestive system.

300g chicken tights or breast (cubes)
1 carrot (chopped)
1 fennel (sliced)
1 Zucchini or bitter melon (chopped)
1T soy sauce

Yellow mustard seeds 1t
Ground coriander 1t
Ground turmeric 1/2 t
Fennel seeds 1t
Chilli powder 1t (optional)

Marinate chicken in soy sauce and set aside while other ingredients are being prepared.
Heat up some oil in a wok, add fennel, carrot, melon in and sauté till soften, set aside.
Reheat the wok, put the chicken pieces in with the spices and stir fry till they're thoroughly cooked. Add the veggies in.
Mix well. Served with a pinch of salt if desire.

Cummin Lamb Stir Fry (Hunan cuisine)


My all time favourite, chilli is optional.
There are various interpretations, this is just mine.

What you need (served 4-6):
Lamb slices (lamb strap or lamb loin) 600 g
Big Leeks or 3 big onion (sliced thinly)
Shallots 2 stalks (chopped in 5 cm in length)
Cummin seeds 1T
Chilli powder 1.5t (optional and personal preference on amount)
Chilli flakes (optional)
Pinch of salt
Soy sauce 1t
Oil 1/2 T

1. Heat the oil in a wok (or stir fry pan), add the leeks in, sauté until soften. Take it out of the pan and put aside on a plate.
2. Reheat the pan, add the lamb slices, cumin seeds, chilli powder & soy sauce in. Stir fry till all's cooked. Put the leeks back in with the rest and mix well and reduce the liquid. Add a pinch of salt to taste.
3. Chilli flakes can be sprinkle on top to serve.

Stir Fry Chilli Garlic Beef (Quick & Easy)


This is one of the most common dishes in any Asian households. Any proteins can be substituted and flavors vary on personal preference.
Usually a 15 min quick dinner is ready after a late night after work.

Beef 250 g
Shallot 5 stalks
Garlic 2 cloves
Fresh chilli 4 (personal preference)
Soy sauce 1 T
Sugar 1 t
Sesame oil 1 t
Corn starch 1.5 t (or potato starch)
Oil (of any kind)  2 T

  1. Slice beef into approx. 0.5 cm thick, and marinate with soy sauce, sugar sesame oil and corn starch for at least 5 min.
  2. Chop shallots into 5 cm long, divide the white parts and green parts into two bowls; garlic into thin slices & chilli into smaller pieces (I like to leave the seeds as they are, you can deseed them)
  3. Heat the pan with some oil, throw in the white bits of shallots, chilli and garlic, pan fry for a couple minutes till fragrant. 
  4. Add point 1 in, spread it evenly into the pan and cooked the beef till your liking. Quickly throw in the green remaining shallots in. Ready to serve.
  5. (if you like, basil can be added instead)

Chicken Stir Fry With Pickles



  • Chicken Thigh or Pork Fillet (sliced) approx. 120g
  • Picked Vegetables (from supermarket or homemade) 150g
  • Fresh Red Chilli (sliced) 20g

A. Rice wine 1T, salt 1t, sugar 1/2t
B. Corn starch + water 1T, sesame oil 1T


  • Soy Sauce 1t
  • White Pepper 1t
  • Sesame Oil 1t
  • Ricw Wine 1t
  • Corn Starch 1T
  1. Marinate chicken for at least 10 min. Drained the pickles (usually comes in the brine)
  2. Add some oil in a hot pan, stir fry the meat. Take it out and set aside
  3. Use the leftover oil to stir fry the chilli, then pickles
  4. Add point 2 and season with A.
  5. Add B in. Finish