Chicken Stir Fry With Pickles



  • Chicken Thigh or Pork Fillet (sliced) approx. 120g
  • Picked Vegetables (from supermarket or homemade) 150g
  • Fresh Red Chilli (sliced) 20g

A. Rice wine 1T, salt 1t, sugar 1/2t
B. Corn starch + water 1T, sesame oil 1T


  • Soy Sauce 1t
  • White Pepper 1t
  • Sesame Oil 1t
  • Ricw Wine 1t
  • Corn Starch 1T
  1. Marinate chicken for at least 10 min. Drained the pickles (usually comes in the brine)
  2. Add some oil in a hot pan, stir fry the meat. Take it out and set aside
  3. Use the leftover oil to stir fry the chilli, then pickles
  4. Add point 2 and season with A.
  5. Add B in. Finish