Singapore stir fry radish cake (chai tow kway)


This dish takes 10 min to make, All ingredients are optional and can be substituted. This is how I usually have it, there's also a pale version without Kecap Manis.
Radish cake can be purchased in most Chinese bakers or grocers.
If you want cannot find one and want to know how to make it, please send in the request.

300g Radish cake (cut into big chunks)
2 Eggs (beaten)
1/2 Garlic chives (cut into 5cm length)
Handful of Bean sprouts
2T Preserved radish (Chai Bo), rinsed well
1.5T Kecap manis (sweet soy sauce)
1t Minced garlic
1t Chilli powder - optional

Heat some oil in a pan, fry radish cake till crispy.
Add the eggs in, followed by garlic chives and bran spouts.
Add chilli powder and kecap manis to taste.

Delicious to be served with some fresh coriander.