Mechouia grilled vegetable salad


This is common through out Africa, such as Tunisia and Algeria. The smokey flavor is sensational.

Ideally use a BBQ grill or cast iron griddle, though you can simply use a conventional oven.

Ripped tomato 4 (quartered)
Long green pepper 4 (halve an deseeded)
Red onions 3 (halve with skin on)
Capers 2T

Garlic 2 cloves (finely chopped)
Ras El Hanout 1/2t
Lemon 1 (juiced)
Preserved Lemon 1/2 (finely chopped)
Coriander 2T (finely chopped)

Grilled all the veggies together till soft and lightly charcoaled.
Sprinkle the capers, then toss well with the dressing.
Serve with coriander sprinkled on top.

Roast Pumpkin Salad (Moroccan)


I'm an addict when it comes to sweet potato, yam & pumpkin.
This is one of the winter dish that I always have regularly, a great comfort side dish or when you feel peckish.

What you need:
Pumpkin 500g (sliced)
Dried mint 1t
Ground Cumin 1t
Ground Ginger 1t
Chilli flakes 1/2t
Cinnamon 1/2t
Pinch of sea salt
Olive oil 3T

(mint & cinnamon can be omitted if you don't have them handy in the pantry)

Preheat the oven to 200c.
Pound all spices together, season with salt; then add oil oil, mix well.
Rub the mixture on the pumpkin slices.
place all on a roasting tray, drizzle any remaining spice mixture over.

Roasted Pumpkin & Quinoa Salad

One of my all time favourite – gluten free, protein rich and light summer meal.

What you need:
Half Butternut Pumpkin, peeled and cut into 2.5 cm cubes 
1Tbs extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp Moroccan seasoning
1 Cup Quinoa, rinsed and drained
2 Tbs Lemon Juice
4 Anchovies (or 1 Tbs preserved lemon/or capers)
1 Cup fresh coriander leaves (or continental parsley)

Preheat oven to 200°c. 
1. Use a bag, mix pumpkin, seasoning, olive oil and shake well.
2. Place pumpkin onto a baking tray with baking paper.
3. Cook quinoa with 2 cups of cold water in a saucepan. Bring to the boil and reduce the heat, simmer for 12 min until the liquid is fully absorbed.
4. Mix cooked quinoa, pumpkin in a large salad bowl. Add lemon juice, anchovies, lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper. Toss gently and serve.