Sour Prawn Dopiaza (Indian)


Dopiza means "double onions", thus this dish has quite a bit.

Mango powder is hard to find, you can use a tiny bit of lemon rind with 1/2 lemon juice instead.

Peeled big prawn 16-20 (I use Tiger Prawn)
Oil 2T
Onions 4 (sliced)
Onion seeds (or mustard seeds) a pinch
Curry leaves 4-6
Garlic pulp 1t
Ginger pulp 1t
Chilli powder 1t
Turmeric 1/2t
Mango Powder 2t
Fresh Green Chilli 2 (sliced)
Tomato 2 (quartered)
Fresh Coriander 2T

  1. Rinse the prawn and pat dry.
  2. Heat the oil, add the onions and cook till brown.
  3. Add the onion seeds and curry leaves; stir fry for 2 min till aromatic. Then add the garlic, ginger, chilli powder, turmeric, mango powder and salt; stir fry for 3 min.
  4. Add the prawn, green chilli, tomato and coriander roots in; cook till prawns are firm. 
  5. Sprinkle the rest of coriander on top to serve.