Kashkeh Bademjan (Iranian Eggplant Dip)

Ever since I was invited to a Persian gathering with the most delicious eggplant dip that I’ve ever encountered, I was beguiled forever. 

Hopefully my interpretation can do justice to their culinary cultural love.

What you need:
2 large Eggplants, peeled and cubed
6 Tbsp Kashk, can substitute with sour cream or even natural yoghurt 
2 onion, sliced thinly 
1 Tbsp Tomato paste, dissolved with 1/2 cup I water
2 Tbsp Mint or Dried Mint
3 cloves Mince Garlic
6 Tbsp Olive Oil
Black pepper to taste
Salt to taste
1.5 tsp Tumeric powder

1. Divide the olive oil accordingly.
Fry mint leave with a little oil, set aside. (as the leave burnt quickly, only a few seconds shall do)
Fry onion, set aside.
2. Fry garlic and eggplants till soften and golden. Add tomato paste solution, 3 Tbsp Kashk and onion. Stir well and simmer with a cover for 8 min at least and stir from time to time.
3. When the eggplants are well cooked, remove from heat and mash the mix. Stir in 2 Tbsp of Kashk with tumeric, black pepper and salt.
4. To serve, spread the remaining Kashk and garnish with mint oil. Top with optional crushed walnut, almond or even parsley.